Myron and Monica met in a martial arts club meeting in Monica's freshmen year in high school. While performing and training, their little crush on each other simply grew until he asked her to be his on May 22, 2006. The first kiss Monica received from Myron was on the back of her hand, given like a true prince. After all, he called her his 'Princess.'

Throughout their five years of being together, there have been many hardships (family, college, etc.) but they pushed on as a team. Apart from martial arts, they created their own music studio, teach students and hold showcases where a donation is given to charity. Often, they have strange moments where they speak conversations with just a look, sing select parts of songs at the same time, and order the same entrees without collaborating. They tackle every obstacle and trial with optimism and faith because they know that when the other falls, the other is there to pick them back up.
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